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Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:56 am
by bethanyjadefowell
I’ve not used my TV for over 6 months. Decided to hook it back up to my TV but no matter what I do - dial up or networked I get “phone line busy” or failed. number unavailable if I try over network. This TIVo was already registered when I got it and fully worked, but now it doesn’t. What do I need to do? Transfer account over to me? How do I do that? Or is AltEPG no more? Thanks

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:28 am
by Pegasus
There's nothing on the server since your last successful connection on Jul 23 11:42:28. So your TiVo is not able to reach the server.

What might have changed since last July? Has your Sky broadband router changed? Are you using Powerline adapters, or wireless adapter, to connect TiVo to the router?

If using dial-up make sure you are using the right number as some of them are discontinued. I think 01612329094 is working.

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:44 pm
by bethanyjadefowell
Hi everything’s the same. Not had TiVo connected to power since July. What do I need to do to get TV guide back over network?

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:16 pm
by Pegasus
My initial thought is your TiVo can no longer connect to the internet.

You are running Altepg 1.0d so you should see some messages on screen when TiVo boots up, telling you what the IP address is of your TiVo, and whether it is a "static" (i.e. fixed) address, or one allocated by your broadband router. Do you get that? Does what it's saying seem reasonable? (e.g. the IP address should be similar to the one on your PC/iPad/etc. - only the last few digits should be different)

Do you have "telnet" access to your TiVo from your laptop/PC? (don't worry if that's meaningless!)

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:41 pm
by bethanyjadefowell
Not sure till I go to my mums house and check. If IP address is wrong or missing or everything is ok, what do I need to do? I know I get stuff on screen at boot up, including what network card is installed.

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:22 pm
by Pegasus
Ah that's a piece of string question - it depends on: whether it's wrong; in what way it's wrong.

It might be as simple as the network cable has come loose.

Whether the TiVo plugs directly into the router or goes through Powerline (or a wireless connection) makes a difference. (You didn't say)

Maybe the Sky router software has updated and is now blocking TiVo. The router should have a web interface (that you can access from a laptop's browser at your Mum's house - e.g. "" - password is on label on bottom of router!) and will show you "connected devices" - obvs TiVo should be one of them.

If TiVo is visible on the home network then you can connect to it via telnet (if you have it) and then see if you can access the outside world from TiVo (e.g. by typing "ping -c 5" into telnet).

(Normally I wouldn't list all these at once but I appreciate you need to have suggestions in advance of going to your Mum's.)

It's hard to say without knowing what TiVo says. There is no simple "do this to fix it" answer to these things, sadly.

Personally, I would go with a loose cable as the probable cause!

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:12 pm
by bethanyjadefowell
After configuring network at stop up it just says configuring network…
Then starting hacks…
All hacks started

Doesn’t show any IP address.

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:36 pm
by Pegasus
I thought it was supposed to show the address, but I could be wrong.

Can you access the web configuration page for the router from your laptop/pc?

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:48 pm
by bethanyjadefowell
Yes I’ve done that and TIVO is not showing up. Found TiVo Eathernet/Almet IP address in messages on TiVo and MAC address 00:08:AD:21:67:43

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:56 pm
by bethanyjadefowell
When I put both above addresses in telnet it just says connection refused

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:57 pm
by Pegasus
Ok. So either (1) TiVo cannot connect to the router, or (2) the router is not giving TiVo an address.

(1) = Have you checked the ethernet connections? Is TiVo plugged directly into the router?

(2) = Go into the configuration on the router and see if it has a 'list of approved devices' or similar, that you might need to add the TiVo's MAC address to.

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:39 pm
by bethanyjadefowell
Tried everything. Checked all cables. Message details in TiVo messages says “file post error= error reading HTTP header, reason = broken pipe

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:12 pm
by steveroe
Are you able to login to the router administration interface and see what devices are connected?

If the Tivo is connected then it should show on there? The MAC address may show as 0b:ad:20:53:8e (I can't remember if that's the same on all Tivos) or you might be able to telnet to all the IP addresses shown until you find the TiVo.

If it doesn't show then I'd check the ethernet cable connections at both ends, and try another ethernet cable.

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:12 pm
by Pegasus
Is TiVo plugged directly into the router?

Re: Failed. Number Unavailable

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 5:22 pm
by bethanyjadefowell
Yes and I’ve tried a new ethernet cable. NOT showing up in router.